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Say What??!

OMGoodness. I’ve been quiet for awhile. I’ve been busy. Using every tool in my toolbox to keep me from getting too overwhelmed. You see we went on vacation to San Diego at the end of January. While there I made a breakthrough as I often do on vacations. I decided to choose to live every day instead of going through the motions. I realized my depression was actually my soul begging me to live without fear. I made a decision to grow my business and purchased a year long business coaching package. I also made the decision while in San Diego that I was going to move back to San Diego soon, even though I didn’t know how yet. So I get home. Start working on my business while taking time everyday to stay in alignment and take care of myself. Then my husband comes home and says - want to move to San Diego? My boss asked me to go. If we do they want us there in April. Say what???!!! Don’t know about you, but I’m seeing things manifest quite quickly these days. Of course it helps that I put daily work into staying in alignment. But seriously. The end of December I decided I was going to work out every day and get buffed again. Remember I shared that picture from over 10 years ago with you?!! Yeah. I went down a pant size since then and have shoulder, back and ab muscles popping out less than 2 months later. I decide I’m moving to SD and a few weeks later my husband comes home saying we may move to SD in a little over a month. Anyway. I’m focusing on walking my walk and using my tools to 

1) keep allowing myself to feel my emotions (even the uncomfortable ones,) 

2) keep my head up and believe this can all work out easily, 

3)making sure I take time each day to go within, take care of myself and do things that bring me joy...

...even though I might be having to sell a house, find a rental in another state, pack and move a whole household, 2 kids and 2 dogs and not lose total momentum in my business in the next month. 

Did I mention I decided this week that now would be a good time to schedule a local workshop so I can complete one of my certifications in intuitive art? Damn. Can I do this?! You bet I can!! Wish me luck. 🤪 

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