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One Blog Post at a Time

So far I've spent most of my life doing things the way everyone else said I should do. 


I say most of my life, because there are a few things I've done completely opposite to what most people told me to do.

There was the time I moved cross country when I was in my early twenties after leaving a failed marriage. Didn't know anyone, or have a job lined up but just knew without a shadow of a doubt it would all work out.

I currently homeschool  my kids and am a sort of hippie with purple hair, but then again homeschooling and uniquely colored  hair is becoming more and more mainstream, isn't it?

Even with some of my life being danced to the beat of my own drum, for the  most part, I'm still listening to everyone else out there when it comes to doing life the "right" way.

I got married. Had kids.

Have been trying to get the whole entrepreneurial thing going while I raise my kids because that's what you do when you want to feel fulfilled as a stay-at-home mom.

I try hardest to be the best I can be. Always searching for that key to happiness everyone keeps telling me about. 

Constantly telling myself that one of these days I will figure out the whole "purpose" thing. Everywhere I turn I am being told I can figure out my life's purpose.

So far, the only thing I'm able to identify is that somehow my purpose must have something to do with constantly changing my mind, because that is the only constant that I can be certain of.

As I was doing VR boxing today, my newest obsession bringing me dreams of being buff and in shape again, I started to wonder.


What would happen if I decided to just let myself flow from passion to passion without worrying about if this is what I "should" be doing.


What if I could say, VR boxing is my favorite thing right now, and stop trying to wonder if it is somehow my purpose. Without trying to figure out if I can monetize it somehow. 


What would my life look like if I stopped trying so hard to figure out who I am and just started living.


What if that is the key to happiness?

What if that is the key to find my purpose? Or perhaps the proof I need to show me that I don't need to have a purpose. That living life is the f'n purpose.


Excited with these new questions I had the marvelous idea to start a blog about it.


Maybe it will be a year project. I'll post everyday.


Maybe I can get huge exposure. Maybe a lot of people can relate. (Notice the entrepreneurial thing that pops up every friggen time I get excited about something.)


Then I reminded myself, who cares.

This blog is about you. It's about finding your passions and following them along their willy-nilly path. The whole idea is to not make it a purpose or a thing to do.


So here is my project, posted publicly because like most humans, I feel like my ideas might be slightly interesting to some. 


Don't know where I'm going with this blog. Don't know what will come of it. all I know is that right now, my goal is to let myelf be me.

That it is sort of an experiment to see what happens if I let myself follow my joy, passions and excitement without worrying about what other people say the correct way to do my life is.


Feel free to join me for the ride. Let's see what we can discover about getting real, being authentic, and living life on your own terms.



Ever realize that pretty much your entire life is based on the things you are supposed to do? That who you believe yourself to be is mostly based on all the things everyone has told you about yourself? Yeah, me too.


Though in many ways I am unconventional and follow my own path, in so many more I am still looking outwards to define who I am.

This blog is my little project. A way to figure out who I am. A way to express  myself without worrying about what people want to hear and what is the best thing to talk about online to get viewers.

It is a way for me to explore who I am without all the judgments of who I am supposed to be or how I am supposed to act. And if on my journey I happen to inspire others to be unabashedly who they are, then hooray.


It is my belief that once we can all shed all the faulty identities that have been placed upon us, and release ourselves from all the "shoulds" in our lives, the world will be a better place as we will all be able to live truly and deeply from our hearts and via our creativity.

For it is only when we are disconnected from our true essence and perfection that we get lost and wander around unable to make the best decisions for ourselves.


Though I have no rules for myself and am allowing myself to post on any topic and using any medium here are some of the topics I feel might come up because they are a part of my life.

BEING I mean MULTI-PASSIONATE - Ever think of yourself as flaky, un-focused, a dreamer, etc? Me too. Instead of continuing to try to find the one thing I am meant to do, aka purpose, I am going to give myself 100% permission to get really passionate about something and then totally switch when I lose interest in it.

Heck, maybe we aren't all here to be focused and experts on just one thing. Maybe some of us are here to learn to enjoy all there is to enjoy about life. Just because we don't fit into our society because of that, doesn't mean we should change... Maybe, just maybe, we are here to change society. 

SPIRITUALITY - I am a healer, psychic, and spiritual and energetic life coach. Yep, I read tarot, work with crystals, listen to trees and talk to my spirit guides, angels and higher self all the time. I'm as woowoo as they come.

However, this blog will definitely not be all about spirituality. It's just a small part of who I am as I journey through this life as a human being.

HOMESCHOOLING AND RESPECTFUL PARENTING - I am definitely not what you'd consider a mainstream parent. My kids are homeschooled. I don't punish them when what they do differs from what I wish they would have done.

I have zero belief that any human needs to obey any other human regardless of age. Though I admit, I sometimes wish my kids would just shut up and do what I say. 

NATURAL LIVING - We live as organically and all-naturally as we can.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP - yeah, I've started and have a few businesses. Haven't made money on any of them yet. To be honest, money has never been a motivator for me and I don't believe that anybody needs to buy anything.

I also  get bored with things rather easily which is not a great trait for sticking with a business for the time it takes to make traction. But since I'm full of ideas and love challenges, I dabble in creating businesses.

There are so many things I may talk about. Especially since my goal is to follow my passions at the moment, the topics may vary widely. Anything goes.


I'm excited to see where this journey takes me. Follow along if you'd like.

The world might be a very interesting, fun joyful place if more of us started living this way. Don't you think?


Until we meet again.


Hedy MacDonald


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