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All Of It

Driving. Blasting old school hip hop and dance music. Singing. Loving. Crying. All of it. Vibrations of the music coursing through my body. Letting it both numb me and fill me with life. Enjoying the warmth and brightness of the sun shining down on me. Filled with awe of my views of the Pacific. So happy to be in the only place I’ve ever lived that had me feeling fully alive. Sad to be heading back home tomorrow. All of it. Today a dear loved one has an appointment at an oncologist. Tomorrow another loved one has a court case to decide if they will do jail time or not for drug related offenses. I laugh, I cry. I worry. I enjoy. Life. It’s all of it. The beauty. The pain. The joy. The sorrow. A thrilling roller coaster, zooming us up and down, upside down. Making us nauseous and filling us with exhilaration. All of it. What’s the calm without the storm? What’s the sun without the rain? What’s the light without the dark? What’s life without death? What’s courage without fear? Isn’t life magnificent. All of it?

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