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Choose Your Own Adventure

A few weeks ago I woke up with a phrase repeating in my head over and over again. I can only assume it was a message I took back from sleeptime that my consciousness needed to hear. “Every decision you make changes your trajectory.”

After I awoke I kept repeating it over and over. It felt so profound. As I thought about it I was reminded of those choose your own adventure books from my youth. Do you remember those books? There were short pieces of a story and at the end of each section you got to choose between what would happen next. Depending on which you chose your story would be different. There were so many ways your story could go all within one book. “Every decision you make changes your trajectory.” What this tells me is that there is an infinite amount of directions our life can go on. There is not one path, one way we must walk as we journey through our lives. We can go in any direction we want. And with each step we can again choose any direction. Think of all the possibilities! “Every decision you make changes your trajectory.” This also tells me that there is no such thing as a bad decision or a wrong path. No matter what I have chosen in the past, in every moment I have a new decision to make and can choose anything. Our lives are a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book. How cool is that? Of course there are some differences. For starters we have the added bonus of the decisions we make not having a reaction set in stone. Depending on who we are interacting with in our life, the choices we make will have different endings. Depending on how we feel about ourselves and others, our outcomes will be different. Also, in real life we can’t go back to the beginning and make different choices to change the ending. But from where we are, we have unlimited choices, not just 2 or 3 to choose from. If I do something I didn’t like, I can change course. I can choose to feel ashamed, feel guilty, feel like a loser, feel joy, feel sadness, feel compassion. I can apologize. I can do it again. I can try it in a completely different way. I can try it in a slightly different way. I can forget it even happened. I can carry it like a cross for the rest of my life. I get to decide. Every moment. Infinite paths. Infinite outcomes. “Every decision you make changes your trajectory.” Which of course begs the question, where would you like to go? 

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